For months I knew something was wrong. I actually started researching it online, it's amazing what the internet can tell you. It's also amazing how the internet can scare you. After doing some research and getting a little bit more freaked out about all the horrible things it could be, I decided I should stop researching. I had narrowed it down to a couple of things, but was unsure what to do. Most of the things I narrowed it down to were unique items.
My thought was to just keep waiting until my endocrinologist appointment on December 30th. My doctor there is in the big cities with a population of over 300,000 people, I'm sure he has seen cases like this before. Especially since a couple of the unique items were related to type 1 diabetes. There is no way this small town I live in is going to know what this was.
I have to be honest I am really tired of doctors. It seems like whenever I go for one appointment, I have ten more scheduled because they can't figure out what is wrong...... or they don't believe me. It's interesting, being a type 1 diabetic for over 30 years now everything is related to my diabetes. My car accident didn't cause damage to my body according to some doctors, it was my diabetes and that I worked to hard. Thank God their is court to prove doctors and insurance companies wrong!
So, on December 30th I went to see my Endocrinologist. He has been rated one of the best in Minnesota, and I will agree. He is patient with me, understands that diabetes is a full time job and completely understands that stress, depression, anger, frustration has a huge role in not just your health, but also on your blood sugars as a diabetic. I had a great appointment, which means I didn't cry this time during my appointment. Usually I cry at appointments because I can't seem to get my diabetes to cooperate with me and my life, but this time I lowered my A1C down by a whole point in 6 months! I was feeling great about my diabetes, like I actually was in control of it....
My doctor asked all the routine questions and did all the routine examinations. Checked my feet for neuropathy, they were holding steady. Checked my blood pressure, right on target. Looked at my blood results and found areas to adjust my basal insulin (I wear the Mini-Med Insulin Pump). Everything I had expected. Then, I got to explain to him what was happening in my life. Told him that every time I ate I ended up bloated with major gas. I would go to bed at 8pm because my stomach was so bloated (like I was 8 months pregnant) and I was in soooo much pain. That I cut out food that is the "normal" allergens; wheat, dairy, etc.... It didn't matter, I literally was sick after eating every time.
He asked how long I was in town and I said just until Friday, it was a Monday. He explained to me that he thought I had gastroparesis. His explanation is that my stomach doesn't work like it should. He gave me a print out about foods to eat and said I needed to take this "gastric stomach emptying test." He explained it was a four hour test where I would eat radioactive eggs and they would take pictures of the eggs being digested. He gave me a referral to give to a nurse where she would call and set up an appointment for me to the hospital. The nurse was great! She worked her magic and knew exactly who to call and what she needed to say to get me an appointment right away. She actually called twice, because the first person told her they didn't have anything available for six months for this test. After being told that, she called back and got me scheduled for the very next day. Such a blessing.
#bloatedstomach #beforeandafter #gastroparesis #type1diabetes #endocrinologist #unexpecteddoctorappointment #gastricstomachemptyingtest #justanotherday #tiredofdoctors #justwantto #benormal #whatisnormal #staysanesunday #farrintonthea